
This is the online registration site for


 Make and Measure... and Machines


This year's "Make and Measure" will focus on the use of machine learning in the Analytical Sciences, with topics ranging from data analysis to automated chemistry with members, guests and friends of SALSA. Prepare for interesting discussions, invited presentations, posters, and individual exchange.

The event will start on Thursday, September 16th and end on Saturday, September 18th, 2021.

Everyone interested in Analytical Sciences is warmly welcome to participate!

Poster award:
Consider to present a poster on your work, as we plan to have a good discussion using wonder.me platform this year! There will be a poster award, and poster upload will be due by September 10, 2021. Be ready to tell us, whether you will join with a poster here, during registration (no title required yet).

To register as a participant please choose "Register as attendee". During the registration process you have to create an account. Using the login box on the left side you can login later to check your booking and document such as your ticket or to change your personal data.

Registration for participation with a poster closes on August 31th, 23:59.

"Make and Measure 2021" will be held as virtual conference via Zoom. After registration you will receive further information how to join the sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact the conference secretariat.

Register as Attendee